Half Full or Half Empty?
Is this glass half full or half empty?
If I want to look at my last 3 months as "half empty", I would point out that I've missed out on opportunities to travel to Boston, Tempe, NYC, Anaheim (twice), Columbus, St. Louis, Chicago, Sacramento, Nashville, Kansas City, and Orlando for business.
When being completely honest, that sucks. My wife is finished with the school year. That means she and my daughter would be free to travel with me on these trips if she wanted, but obviously can’t now because of the COVID-19.
As a "half full" person, I will say that almost all of my clients have either rescheduled or gone virtual, so I really haven't lost much financially; I've just postponed it.
The "half full" side also points out that I've developed online content which has allowed me to speak all over the world and still have dinner with my family. In one 24-hour period, I spoke "in" Utah, then "in" India, had dinner and slept in my own bed, and woke up early the next morning to speak "in" the UK.
I miss traveling, but I also don't want to go back to "normal". I am looking forward to the "new normal" which will give me the best of both worlds.